Tuesday Drive By – The Nields, teaching mojo, Gap perfume, The Following

So basically today’s post? Total drive by of the thoughts in my head that are too long for a tweet, but I’m not sure I have enough to say about it to write a full post. Ready?

Note: Some of these are elaborations on thing Things that made me smile. Week 4, 2013

  • The Nields. Check them out. I could say a lot more, but to summarize my feelings about them, it’s like the Cranberries and Dar Williams had a song baby. It’s beautiful and fun. I believe Frank has subscribed to their newsletter, I’ve put their blog in my reader and we’re hopefully going to see them play in an upcoming show. I like them that much.
  • I’m really feel like I’m losing my pool teaching mojo, but I need to keep it up for the time being. Maybe I’m just there too much and I need to take a break from Saturdays. It’s really hard because it’s a nice block of hours in a row, but it also means I don’t get a break. I think I need a break. Saturday, I ended up in tears because a kid wouldn’t listen. I’m not that teacher.
  • I’d like to discuss The Following with someone who watched it. I don’t want to give too much away, but I would like to bounce an idea off someone.
  • Lastly, I was in Gap over the weekend with Momma for a hot second and when I walked past the perfume shelf, I had a flash back to about 1999-2000 from the scent.
    Who else wore it? It’s ok, you can tell me…we’re all friends here. I wore one of them all the time (and still do sometimes!) Can you guess which one?If you don’t remember the names, I put them on the bottles for you.

    I think that’s it for today. If I have more, I’ll be back.

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