Photo Comparison: Before and Current (be gentle)


I came across this photo in my phone from a few days before I started the whole weight loss thing.

I think I feel the results more than I see them. Don’t get me wrong, I see them…but I think I physically feel them more and that’s the important part.

Right? And now I can run a full mile without stopping to walk.

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11 Responses to Photo Comparison: Before and Current (be gentle)

  1. Sue says:

    You can absolutely see the results in your hips, and in your face.

    You’re looking even lovelier than usual!

  2. Autumn says:

    I agree with Sue! You can definitely see the results in your hips and face. Good job lady! 🙂

  3. Voice of Reason (ALB Edition) says:

    Awesome! I can tell the difference! 🙂

  4. Jen says:

    I think you’re doing awesome!

  5. ashallann says:

    fantastic, you look fabulous!

  6. You look awesome!! And I definitely think it’s more important to feel the results than see them. That’s the most important thing- it’s more about health than numbers (except I think we all get caught up in numbers sometimes!). Good luck and I can’t wait to read more!!

  7. Way to go! You are doing great! It’s great to have photos to look back on because sometimes we look in the mirror or get on the scale and feel like nothing has changed. But it has! Keep on keeping on!

  8. Pingback: Thursday Three – Drive by Blogging « bakinginmybathingsuit

  9. You are super beautiful. In the “after” photo you are glowing, which may be a result of your accomplishments. You should be so proud. It is definitely more important to feel great than it is to LOOK great, but sometimes the two are kind of intertwined in an unavoidable way.
    I love you!

  10. Robbie says:

    You have always been gorgeous – but you look amazing !!! Your hair got so long ! August is too far away, can’t wait to see you xxxoo

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